Speech Recognition

Web accessibility is essential for people with disabilities and useful for all. Learn about the impact of accessibility and the benefits for everyone in a variety of situations.

Update: The video uses “voice recognition”. This page is updated to use “speech recognition”. “Speech recognition” is about recognizing words for speech-to-text (STT) transcription, virtual assistants, and other speech user interfaces. “Voice recognition” or “speaker recognition” is technology that identifies who the speaker is, not the words they’re saying. We hope to update the video to use “speech recognition” in late 2021.

Video on Speech Recognition

This video information is available as a Text Transcript with Description of Visuals below.

What is “Speech Recognition”?

Speech recognition can be used for dictating text in a form field, as well as navigating to and activating links, buttons, and other controls. Most computers and mobile devices today have built-in speech recognition functionality. Some speech recognition tools allow complete control over computer interaction, allowing users to scroll the screen, copy and paste text, activate menus, and perform other functions.

Who depends on this feature?

What are the additional benefits?

What needs to happen for this to work?

Content must be properly designed and coded so that it can be controlled by speech. keyboard compatibility is the basis for such coding. In addition, labels and identifiers for controls in the source code need to match their visual presentation, so that it is clear which speech command will activate a control.

Learn more

Text Transcript with Description of Visuals

Audio Visual
Web Accessibility Perspectives: [Speech] Recognition Web Accessibility Perspectives:
[Speech] Recognition
Imagine if you could only communicate with your family by writing.
A woman writes "what would you like for breakfast?", and passes the note to the man next to her.
Sometimes it's just easier to speak.
One of the advances of technology is [speech] recognition.
Whether it's searching the web:
A man is using a tablet by speech.
(Tablet user) "Nineteenth century architecture." Search results appear on the screen.
Dictating emails. An older man is also using a tablet by speech.
Or controlling your navigation app. A woman is speaking to her mobile phone and follows the directions on the screen.

Many people with physical disabilities rely on [speech] recognition to use the computer.
(Man in wheelchair) "Place order."

A man with a wheelchair is using a headset for the computer.
But for that to happen websites and apps need to be properly coded.
(Man in wheelchair) "Cancel?"
Nothing happens on the computer.
[Speech] recognition can help lots of other people with temporary limitations too, like an injured arm.
(Woman) "Place order."
A woman with her arm in a sling successfully using speech.
It can also prevent injuries becoming worse, like RSI: Repetitive Stress Injury. A man is outside with a dog taking speech notes on his mobile phone.
Or for people simple preferring [speech].
(Man in wheelchair) "Place Order."
The man with the wheelchair is now using a website that works.
Web accessibility: Essential for some, useful for all.  
Visit w3.org/WAI/perspectives for more information on [Speech] Recognition Visit
for more information on
[Speech] Recognition.
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